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Academy 22 Foundation's educational programs and rescue action of a 'Heritage' Banyan Tree on Po Toi Island.
Major Milestone for Education over Po Toi Island
Desiring to construct the Po Toi Island Education, as well as the Conservation and Tourist Information Center, Academy 22 Education for All Foundation (A22 Foundation) and Work Concern Group of Po Toi Island Village Office formed partnership for achieving this overall goals.

The Chairman of A22 Foundation, Dr Sam Chu signed the agreement with Chairman Law of the Work Concern Group of Po Toi Island Village Office.

Wishing that this Agreement will contribute to strengthening education, economy and cultural heritage of Po Toi Island. It’s no double that Sept 28 Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremony marked the beginning of new partnership between the two organizations.


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Treasure Hunt in Po Toi:
The First STEAM & Service-Learning Educational PROGRAM of the Hong Kong South Pole, Po Toi Island, started on Aug 29, 2021. A22 Foundation members, Village representatives and a team from Hong Kong Chinese Womens' Club College (principal, 3 teachers and 20 students) together with 4 university students participated in the first learning program organized for the School’s secondary students.

Other than having fun in hiking, visiting various places regarding the cultures and heritage of Po Toi, students engaged in active interviews with the villagers and learned a lot regarding the history and cultures of the island and the people there. The principal and the 3 teachers found it to be a worthwhile trip and agreed that the island offers “N possibilities” for students’ learning. Therefore, the School is collaborating with A22 Foundation for its students to learn and contribute and this can help build a better future for Po Toi.